Q: How do I get to Hope Community?
A: We are conveniently located right off Route 33 on Coonpath Road in Carroll, Ohio. We are 3 miles from Lancaster, Ohio. Click here for a map to our church.
Q: What are the times of your worship services and programs?
Discipleship Ministries meet at 9:00am on Sunday mornings.
Corporate Worship begins at 10:00am on Sunday mornings.
Home Groups, Small Groups, and Ministry Groups meet throughout the week at various times.
Mid-week prayer service is on Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Q: Why do newcomers keep coming back and make Hope Community their church home?
A: Based on their feedback, it is clear that newcomers experience the warmth of God's love from the moment they enter. You will instantly feel that the love among our people is genuine. The messages are Biblical, clear, and inspiring. The leaders are committed to serving others, and our children are well cared for. Most of all, people are inspired with the confidence that nothing is too difficult for our God!
Q: When should I arrive?
A: We suggest arriving 10 minutes before the service. If you have children, allow for 15 minutes early. This will enable you to get them safely settled as well as yourself.
Q: What should I wear to church?
A: At Hope Community, the focus is not on what we wear. Some people come in jeans and others come in dressier clothes. Be assured that no attention is placed on what you're wearing!
Q: Where will my children go during the service?
A: Your children will love our Kid's Ministry. We provide childcare for the infants through 5th grade. We provide age appropriate fun and exciting worship. The hands-on Bible lessons and activities every Sunday morning are designed especially to help them learn the truths of the Bible. We believe that our kids are going to be world changers for Jesus Christ. Our children's ministry leaders are trusted workers who value every child and treat them with the utmost care and attention. If you choose to utilize our children's ministry, you can be assured that it will be a safe and secure environment.
Q: Will I have to stand up in front of people?
A: Guests are never called upon or pointed out, so don't worry about being embarrassed. We understand what it is like to be in a new church. So while the people at Hope Community are genuinely interested in getting to know you and want to make you feel welcome, we will never call on you and embarrass you in any way. You can relax and enjoy meeting people at your own pace. You do not need to be concerned about not knowing when to sit, pray, stand, or what to do next.
Q: Is Hope Community Church affiliated with a particular church denomination?
A: Hope Community belongs to an international network and fellowship of churches known as the Church of the Nazarene. This enables us to support a global mission that is sharing the good news of Jesus through compassionate ministries, schools, hospitals and churches with missionaries in over 170 countries. The Church of the Nazarene provides us with moral, spiritual and financial accountability. Founded in 1908, the Church of the Nazarene identifies with the humble roots of Jesus who came from the small and insignificant town of Nazareth in Israel. The Church of the Nazarene describes itself historically and theologically as a Christian, Protestant and Evangelical church that has been shaped by the practical theology of John Wesley in the 1700’s and the Holiness movement that swept our nation in the early 1900’s. All of these influences shape our beliefs today and we share much in common with our Christian brothers and sisters from other churches and denominations.