is where
the heart is.

Your life matters, wherever you may find yourself. We want to help you become the person God has created you to be. Finding the next step in your life journey can be overwhelming when searching alone. We want to be a part of helping you discover the fullness of life that God wants you to know.

Our building is not the church, but our people are. We think you'll find us friendly and caring and passionate about living lives the way that Jesus lived His. We're all discovering more each day, what it means to be a Christ follower.

Come follow with us.

A Church that Hopes

girl laughing in a car

We are called to be a church and a people that desire to love others the way we have been shown love. We hold on to the hope provided through the rugged cross of Calvary. We are called to be a people that find common ground with our neighbors and anyone who hurts, has felt pain or is facing loss.

Join us!

Hope Community Church of the Nazarene
3570 Coonpath Rd. NW, Carroll, Ohio 43112
(740) 756-4433

Email: office@hopenaz.com

Sunday Mornings:
• 9:00am - Sunday School
• 10:00am - Worship Service

Sunday Evenings:
• 6 pm: Three Strands Bible Study
4080 Carroll Southern Rd, 7 min from church campus

Wednesday Evenings:
• 6:30pm - Mid-Week Kingdom Kidz
• 6:30pm - Mid-Week Teens
• 6:30pm - Prayer Meeting